Hello and welcome, been on and off for a while now...I genuinely love this game so much.  I started playing this when I was a teenager, and it gives me so much nostalgia.  My inner child is so excited with how far I have gotten in this game.  

I'm an adult player who has adhd and I have alot of hobbies.  These hobbies include this game, The hunter Call of the Wild, Crochet, reading, writing my book, occasionally puzzles, RAVES, Hiking, and occasionally art.  

I really like helping people anywhere I can, all I ask is please don't beg. 
I like talking about everything and anything to be honest so just hit me up if you just want to talk man.

Page is under construction along with my EC Forum.

These are my horses, very nice.
Send me a friend request, I promise I don’t bite 53668fab6fc0973bbddb7e183ed221b4_v1582023526.png

Currently working on getting all coats on these horse breeds:
Thoroughbred 16/16 ~All Done 2a1af738d56da555be74920210e2babc_v1582023526.png
Paint: 21/24
Argentinean Criollo: 17/21

I typically sell horses everyday at least 2 will be for 3000 everyday.  First come first serve on those.  Send me a message if you are a new player <100 days.  I will send a horse with high GP your way... I know I am consideereed a newer player as well but I genuinely love helping where I can 2a1af738d56da555be74920210e2babc_v1582023526.png

I will say random things that don't make sense unless you have heard it before.  I don't want to quote memes I don't even like memes, but the demons in me, they want to quote the memes. 

Goodbye for now!!