*-My Game-*
I honestly don't really have any particular goals.
Crossbreeder and purebreeder.
I'm starting collect certain coats (GAs, RCs, etc.). But I'm not aiming for anything really.
I am a pass buyer.
I accept friend requests and I'm open to messages.
I don't trade horses with random players, only close friends.
A horse isn't for sale unless labeled as so.
- News -
As of 05.02.2024

The game has kinda just lost
its spark for me. I'm not quitting, just
taking a break. Still be on daily, for
for certain things. Messages will
be on, but I'm not promising an
immediate response.

Thank you. 
*-About Me-*
Call me Ghost.
I have three cats and a German Shepard.
Huge horror fan. I also do take up a bit of skull collecting when I can, so far I have a pretty decent collection lol.
As far as movie taste, horror and thriller is my favorite. Music taste is more all over the place.
- Other -

- Special Coats Wishlist -

Wendigo WS
Horror Movie WS
Bellum (owned)
Metal Element
Ghost Rider (owned)
Punk Rock WS
Surprise Appearance WS
Demonic Angel

(This is just a self-reminder)
*-My Horses-*
My RCs, GAs, or other special coats AREN'T for sale.
Ƒear Ƭhe Ɽeaper - Project bloodline #1.
ĐISĐAIN - Champions.
- Best Horses -
As of 04.14.2024

Best Unicorn-
 Death of a Bachelor

Best Rosette Winner-
School Bus Graveyard (420 rosettes)

Best Crossed Rosette Winner-
Poor Man's Poison (142 rosettes)

Best Purebred Horse w/ Highest Wins-
CØRPSE HUSBAND (7598 wins)

Best Crossed Horse w/ Highest Wins-
Oh So Typical Me (2173 wins)
- Best Rosette Winner - FW Pit of Vipers (350 rosettes)
- Best Crossed Rosette Winner - FW Poor Man's Poison (142)
- Best Purebred Horse w/ Wins - FW King's Day (7351)
- Best Crossed Horse w/ Wins - FW Oh So Typical Me (212