Hi everyone! 2a1af738d56da555be74920210e2babc.png

My mailbox is always open, so if you have a question, need help or simply want to chat - message me!


The Info's:

Sales: I currently have some horses on sale, so check them out if you're interested! The prices are all negotiable.

Equestrian Center: I'd be SO happy if you could register one or more of your horses (with high skills) in my equestrian center! I'm trying to build up a great EC, so I need great boarders. It offers all the benefits, except for showers and water throughs - as of now. I could reserve a box for you if you want, and I'd be willing to register one of my horses in your EC in exchange (provided that yours offers at least the same benefits as mine and isn't more expensive)!

Item exchange: I have some BM items I don't need, so message me if you're interested in exchanging!

Events: I'm always willing to accept friend requests when help from friends is an option in the current event, so feel free to message me and send over a request! We can help each other!

Layout: I'm looking for a nice layout, but don't know where to find them... If you know where, please message me, I'd be so happy!
And if someone would be willing to create one specifically for me (and consider my wishes), I'll reward them with a gift from the BM (you can tell me which items would make you happy, so I'll know what to send you - I have a lot of unused BM items...)!


About me


I am a 21 year-old female that usually gets taken for a 13-14 year old...

I was born in Switzerland and still living there (so if there are any mistakes in this presentation, you'll now know why...)

I first joined (German) Howrse in 2008 when I was just eight years old and it really helped me cope with all the stuff going on (my childhood was pretty horrific...) - I quit in 2013 and forgot my password and username, so when I wanted to rejoin Howrse recently, I couldn't log in again, so I created a new account which is this one (actually, I joined international Howrse on accident lol, but nevermind, my English skills are good enough to understand everything on here...)

I love reading, daydreaming, listening to music, singing, solving logic puzzles, doing jigsaw puzzles, going on walks in nature, learning about new stuff (I am extremly interested in biology, history, chemistry, astronomy, psychology, pedagogics, maths and more) and learning new languages, spending time with my baby niece and nephew (but other than that I much prefer alone time, I'm extremely introverted lol), and I actually also love painting, but I'm often too scared to even start, so I do it very rarely...

I'm autistic which I just recently started to accept...

I'm 5'4 (163 cm), with dark blonde hair (including bangs) and hazel eyes :)

I'm extremely weird, peculiar and socially awkward, like REALLY, trust me... ^^ I live in my own world...

I can speak four languages fluently (Swiss-German, German, English & French) and have started to learn several other languages off and on over the years (Swedish, Dutch, Japanese, Spanish, Norwegian, Slovakian, Rhaeto-Romanic...) and I had Latin and ancient Greek in school!

I'm vegan (I've officially been since April 2016, but my journey started long before) mainly for ethical reasons and the environment!

I have a lot of stuffed animals that are extremely important to me and I could NEVER sleep without my beloved lion! a4bc962b6472bd3fac0f915a0ff0c336.png

If you have any further questions, don't hesitate to message me!

Have a nice day!2a1af738d56da555be74920210e2babc.png

Kind regards, 