
.         Anna | 30 | Czechia

.         I accept friend requests a4bc962b6472bd3fac0f915a0ff0c336.png

Breeds I'm focusing on: Akhal-Teke, Don, Spanish Purebreed

My goal: (ordinary) horses with great GP

Interests: Star *anything*, sci-fi, gaming with friends (Mass Effect, SWTOR, APEX Legends), gaming alone (Detroit, Fallen Order), badass movies (Marvel) and series (Killjoys), dancing (latin-american as of right now, done standard and belly too), psych-analysing, helping out people, knitting stuff (mainly hats, but I've knitted a kiddie sweater and plan to do it again), online shopping (why, yes, I am sitting at home with too much time on my hands), experimental cooking (meaning I don't look up the recipe before I try to cook it855f2acb12410ea8c7951e834f5ff498.png)

Not interested in: unis*, drafts*, ponies*, donkeys*, trophies, custom coats, animations, backgrounds, toxic people and drama

*Though recently I've discovered that there's passes in these special horses and I am interested in those, so I caved and bought myself some too -_-