"In riding a horse, we borrow freedom."
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Equestrian Center


you can call me pluto.

my current priorities are training and blupping all of my horses, and expanding my ec. i'm not looking to join a team atm, but i'm open to partnerships and friendships of course. i accept all requests and return recent congrats whenever i can. my ufo's are always set to five percent. <3

looking for help running competitions at my equestrian center. just look for Pluto's Equine Estate if you want to help. thank you!

my game

currently focused on my ap farm.
i am training all my ap horses and
breeding those that are purebred
under the affix anti potential.

it's my goal to maintain an ap herd
consisting of horses that do have
the potential to contribute more
than just aging points.

i also breed and blup selles, mustangs,
thoroughbreds, and marwaris.

last updated : 03/10/2024

about me
like many, i played howrse as a child, and returned to the game as an adult. it's one of many outlets for my enthusiasm for horses and animal training, and one of many games i play [most not related to horses]. i love music, the woods, cars, and body art. i also have an addictionpassion for coffee. if you want to chat, i don't mind messages from people over eighteen. <3

recommended [equestrian] youtubers
free spirit equestrian
horse plus humane society
sam vanfleet
steve young horsemanship

coding + graphics  by Ꮍꭺꮻꭲꮻꮇꭼ