Hey y'all! 
Just your average God fearing, 80’s singing (no I’m not that old, I just love that kind of music!), southern belle here with two amazing babies and a loving hubby! I get on mostly to RP and check on my sweet friends. So if you need a friend, word of encouragement or would like to write, please send me and message! It’s the highlight of my day! 

Side note: if you’re reading this, read it with a southern drawl (And don’t make fun. That’s just rude. I’m actually a very sweet and educated gal! But don’t be fooled… I’ll definitely pull the “Bless your heart” card if I need too ;) )

God woke me up
I’m so blessed
Today is my day, so I will not stress
If I do my best, HE will do the rest
I’m smart
I’m kind 
I’m loved
I’m walking with HIS guidance from above