Hi everyone.   I'm not new to this game, I'm almost an original player, but I lost my account because of inactivity.   I don't work right now, but have a baby less than a year old and she takes up most of my time.   I will get on when I'm able to.   Thank you for your understanding.

I first got on when the horses looked like this
Howrse Members by Howrse-Fans-Club on DeviantArt

About Me

I am a girl in my mid 20s, happily married to a wonderful man and I'm enjoying my first baby girl who was born in early June 2022.   I am a horse crazy person, and used to be a barrel racer.   To this day I love horses, and love watching any rodeo.   Sadly I don't have a real horse at the moment, but would love to get another some day.   I want to some day spent all day watching the National Finals Rodeo.

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