Hi! I'm Madi!! I hope y'all are doing well!! This is not my first time playing howrse. I have played before for several years, and then stopped playing for a while (and therefore lost my account). I look forward to playing howrse with y'all!!

-Madi :)

Hey everyone! I know most players have elaborate presentation boards, but I like plain and simple. It's easier to read, and gets the job done! 

I am currently a Barn Manager, and I am a Charge Caregiver for 30 horses, some are rescues and others are imports that we train and show. I'll tell you about my favorite... his name is Lenny, he is a Oldenburg and loves to "paint" his wall with his food! Even though he is messy, he gives the best kisses and hugs ( sometimes on command, and other times because he knows that I feed him twice a day). The horses we have are trained in some of both disciplines, while others are strictly English. These babies are so much fun to be around!