
About Me

Hello, there! I have been away from Howrse since about 2012- There's so many new gameplay aspects now! Loving it! I am an adult player, so youngin's please have parental permission prior to adding me/ messaging me! I am always open to tips and friend requests! I love chickens (I have approximately 40 of my own). I used to have a horse but unfortunately I was forced to make a choice between him and school and now he is loved to pieces by a wonderful little girl as her competition pony. 

Why I've Returned

I've been primarily focused on breeding Thoroughbreds, but I'm currently dappling (ha, get it?) in Unicorn breeding (Arabians at the moment), Quarter Horses and Paints (Big City Broncs), and a few newfies from foundies, with will have no outside breeding aside from my own. I'm always looking for another foundie or two to add to The Tiniest Squirts. Please don't ask to buy, if they're not currently up for sale, they are unavailable. 
Layout designed by ChickenChick code generated at