a4bc962b6472bd3fac0f915a0ff0c336.pngHello everyone! 

I'm a player in the US (North East part of the country) but love to travel. Outside of Howrse I ride English for my college's equestrian team. I love my cat and anything dinosaur (Jurassic Park is my favorite book and movie!). My favorite author is John Grisham. I love a good legal thriller. Painting is also a huge passion of mine. I really like painting nature scenes and horses. 

I love communicating with others on Howrse and accept all friend requests! That being said, I am an adult player and you should have your parents permission before contacting me.

**I have a few horses that I will never ever sell, but it doesn't hurt to ask. The worst I can say is no. 

***My Lusi Team Shady Pines is looking for some competitive members. Message me and I'd be happy to chat!