Welcome to my page!

I accept all friend requests, click here to add me as your friend.

If you message me please give me a day to reply cause I may live in a different timezone to you. Also, if I don't reply by then message me again because I keep forgetting to press send (sorry its a lack of sleep).

My Team Mystical Titans  is now Recruiting! 
PM me if you wish to join, you must have a minimum of 5 GP15000 TB's to be considered (But I can make exceptions e.g. if you are a new player, returning player, etc.).

If I have a horse that has an affix of Mystical sales that I have not put up for sale yet PM me and I am more than happy to reserve it for you. Or if you like a horse (or two) I have I can breed it for you and sell you the offspring.

If I have a horse up for Auction and it already has bids on it, please do NOT ask me to reserve it for you. 
Because you cannot stop an auction in progress (I should not have to tell people this, but I've been asked this multiple times now and it's just annoying). And if you ask anyway Do NOT get mad if my response is passive-aggressive, because you've been warned.