Hello All,

I’m Gee I’m a young adult player from the UK, I have one horse in the real world she’s a gypsy cob called Molly and she’s fab! I also own and Show Bulldogs I have two at the moment called Diana & Lady. 

 I Love gypsys and have decided to follow them in this game and produce high starred BLUPed Gypsies And some Gypsy unicorns as well. I have recently branched into paints so bare with me on those. I have several donkies/heavy horses whom I’m trying to BLUP and I have my shetlands and Fjords.

Will buy:
Any BM item ( for the right price)
Any horses eligible to breed from that are on par with the level of mine

Please just ask if you want to buy a horse or want me to reserve a covering for you ( happy to negotiate prices too)

At the end of the day this is just a game so have fun out there.