Welcome To My Page!                                                                                                                   My beautiful page was made by a friend from discord so if you'd like their information for graphic ordering feel free to message me. The pictures were my Boxers paw prints and my hands and that's her in the bottom corner too. Her name was Isabelle but she sadly passed away in September 2023. I miss her terribly but I absolutely love this layout made in her memory so I can see and remember her always on my page on this game I love. I have a young daughter and my account is named after her.  I don't play this game competitively just for fun. I am trying to get all of the horses I own fully trained.                                        Any horse under the fangs. tab isn't for sale but anything under other. you are more than welcome to send an offer if you see one you like. All friend requests are welcomed and accepted! Have a wonderful rest of your day and thank you for the visit!