Hi, everyone!! I really love this game, and I hope I can get along with everyone! a4bc962b6472bd3fac0f915a0ff0c336.png Feel free to PM me about whatever, even just to chat! I accept all friend requests!

I'm back after a long hiatus and I'm slowly working to get my herd up to date. 


I now have an account on the US server with the same username!

Breeding Farms:

Pantheon of the Ancients: purebred riding horses
Hecate's Blessed: unicorns
Hebe's Home: ponies
Ponos' Power: draft horses
Plutus' Prosperity: horses for sale 



Chaos - Divine

Astraea - Shagya Arabian

Dinlas - Appaloosa

Caerus - Arabian Horse <3

Cybele - Gypsy Vanner

Eos - Thoroughbred <3

Zelus - Knabstrupper

Terpsichore - Argentinean Criollo <3

Achelois - Brumby <3

Hermes - other Purebred

Pheme - French Trotter <3

Alastor - Peruvian Paso

Eirene - Finnish <3

Elpis - Quarter Pony
Clio - Kerry Bog
Hygea - Fjord
Harmonia - Shetland
Draft Horses:
Soteria - Drum Horse
Aeaea - Unicorn