Hey welcome to my page! Intermittent Howrse player who has been playing since 2009 but also has a serious and unfortunate habit of deleting my accounts to focus on school. 
But I'm back for the time being to have some fun %3A%29_v1828806360.png

Just some info about me: I'm from NZ and I' currently at university (so an adult player - so you know, make sure you check with your parents if you want to be my friend/message me). On that note, I would love to make some friends on here so feel free to start a convo anytime. I'll also accept any friend request sent my way.

The majority of my horses names are all from Ovids Metamorphoses, - I'm a Classics student, very hard to escape it and I figure it can count (in a very far fetched manner) as studying? You know, BLUP a horse called Philomela and you're almost forced to recall the story. 

I'll buy any horse for 2000e - just reserve it in the sales and PM me and I'll pick it up immediately 

Just want to put this here because it will literally never happen again and I was oh so very excited! #1 and #2 in Gypsey Vanner skill for Jumping! What!