ISO A GEMINI!!2a1af738d56da555be74920210e2babc_v1582021737.pngI breed mainly Arabians. I've always had a passion for them. In addition I collect Golden Apples specifically those designed by JAKUB: I adore their art!! None of my horses are for sale except for those in my Aging Points tab. I'm attempting to get an organized breeding program together. As for my Equestrian Center, ignore that, I only have it for my own horses lol i simply gave up on increasing prestige haha.
Thanks for checking out my profile! I've played off and on throughout the years, but because of quarantine I've had more time! I enjoy breeding pure Arabians here, although I also like Marwaris. I used to manage a small horse stable, and where life has placed me, I have no access to horses so this is where I come to get my horse fix! Feel free to message me, I love to chat! Especially about game play, Arabians, The Lord of the Rings, Doctor Who, The X Files, and food! :3 
Golden apples are not for sale 50585be4e3159a71c874c590d2ba12ec.png