Hi people this is Angeygirl. Nothing else much to say

I accept all friend requests and I'm on pretty much every day. I also take draft horses/donkeys with no covers left.

Random milestones: 
June 30 2019 After three years on this account I finally bought passes for the first time so I could get Summer in the reserved sales

March 30 2022 I finally got a rare retired Golden Apple coat

April 24 '22: Won Lady of the Lake in a Titian's Challenge; first time winning a Devine from a luck item

December 4 '22: Won Donner in a Horn of Plenty which is ironic because I already had two

January 16 '23: Got Zebra in The Great Challenge and then immediately got Jenny in a Tyche's Crown 

March 25 '23: Got Frost in a Horn of Plenty 

March 30 '23: Got all the Iris's Coats

August 26 '23: Got Punga (on the first try) in a HoP won from daily objectives

December 8 '23: Won Tianma from trophy page rewards 

March 24 '24: Got Apeliotes from a HoP

March 31 '24: Won Pendragon in the Golden Fleece

April 5 '24: Tried purposefully losing Ascent of Olympus and won the last stage with 1.6% odds


Random stuff from other people's pages that I collected a long time ago. This page is mostly a relic from 2016

ways to annoy people in an elevator:

1) Announce in a demotic voice, " I must find a more suitable body host."

2) Ask, "did u hear a cable snapping noise?"

3) Drop a pen and wait until someone reaches to help pick it up, the yell at them, "HEY, that's MINE!!"

4) hold the evavator door open and explain that u r waiting for a friend. after a while, let the doors close and say, "Hi John, how has ur day been?"

5) Hum the theme to jeopardy

6) Leave a box in a corner, and when someone gets on, ask if they hear somehing ticking...

7) Make explosion noises whenever someone presses a button.

8) Say, while holding a paper reading OUT OF ORDER, "i wonder why this was glued on the door when i came in."

9) scribble furiously on a notepad while looking at a passenger. when they try too look, hide the pad.

10) Stare at another passenger for a while, then scream " U R one of THEM!" and cower in the far corner.

11) when the elevator door closes, bang on them screaming "let me out!!"

12) when there is only one other person in the elevator, tap them on the shoulder and pretend it wasnt u.

13) when the elevator doors close, announce to the others, "its ok! Dont panic, they'll open again!!"

14) if u think this is funny, please post it on ur page!


:PLEASE put this on your page if you know someone or are related to someone who has been eaten by dragons. Dragons are nearly unstoppable, and in case you didn't know, they can breathe fire. 93% of people won't copy and paste this on their page, because they have already been eaten by dragons. 6% of people are sitting in the shower... armed with fire extinguishers, and the remaining 1% are awesome and will re-post this. I actually was but I escaped.


  Can you raed tihs? Olny srmat poelpe can. I cdnuolt blveiee taht I cluod aulaclty uesdnatnrd waht I was rdanieg.The phaonmneal pweor of the hmuan mnid, aoccdrnig to a rscheearch at Cmabrigde Uinervtisy, it deosn't mttaer in waht oredr the ltteers in a wrod are, the olny iprmoatnt tihng is taht the frist and lsat ltteer be in the rghit pclae. The rset can be a taotl mses and you can sitll raed it wouthit a porbelm. Isn't tihs so wreid? I tnhik it is the wreidset tnihg on Ertah! If you can raed tihs cpoy and ptsae tihs on yuor porlflie.                                                         Cat_hugs_kitten.gif            

Re-post this if
-you hear your name even if its not being called

-you use the word "thingy" when you can't remember what something is called.

-you say the entire alphabet because you can't remember what letter comes next.

-you and your best friend can say one word and crack up.
-you hate it when people think you like someone when you clearly don't.

-you hate it when your favorite song comes on as you pull into the driveway

-you push those little buttons on the lids of fast-food drinks.

-If you hate waking up from a good dream and it won't come back.
-If you think those 5 extra minutes of sleep really make a difference.

-If your fridge has NOTHING in it to eat, no matter how full it is.

-If you stand in the shower for ages because the hot water feels soooo good.

-If you hate getting out of the shower and it's FREEZING.
-If you haven't lost it... you just... haven't found it yet.
-If you stop the microwave before it hits 0:00 to avoid hearing the loud BEEPs.
-If you hate it when you think of a really good comeback after the argument is over.

-If you love it when teachers get off track and tell you stories about their life.

-If you hate when teachers say "From all the talking, I assume everyone is done."
-If someone says dont look now, you look anyways

-If all those years you watched Blues Clues, you never realized Blue was a GIRL.

-If you sit in your car waiting for the song you love to be over, then leave.                           

                           Cute Pokemon collection no longer works :(

Thanks for reading Bye people! And may the pants be ever in your favor.