
(l)_v1828806360.pngMy name is Jessa  (l)_v1828806360.png
I am an adult player. 

In real life I have a dog. He is a standard poodle and his name is Lincoln! 

I love meeting new people so add me as a friend 
Congratulate me and I'll congratulate you back ( I apologize if I do not see that you have done so, I am not on as often as I would like to anymore!)!
Shoot me a message and I'll reply as soon as I can! 
:)_v1828806360.pngI am on everyday when convenient for me 8-)_v1828806360.png

If you want to make an offer on a horse I have Message me! Special Coats are not for sale at this time, Please do not ask, IF I have one for sale it will often be thrown into auctions. Feel free to bid on them when they are listed!!  However AP Mares are always available to be sold and I often have foals and fillies for AP farming available! Starting price for foals and fillies is $4,500 EQ!  :D_v1828806360.png

I also run a small equestrian center. I am able to reserve boxes for horses upon request! What I offer in my EC can vary depending on what I have.

I am currently working on the coat trophies for each breed. I use my AP mares to try to get the coats I need. Please watch my sales as I often will post excess foals in sales right away or within a day or two of birth.