As I'm transitioning back into the game, instead of a casual player, I'm starting to get into the groove of being a competitive player in a variety of ways, while still remembering it's just a game, and it's not the end of the world if someone is better than me at something %5E%29.png Good luck to everyone on your games, whether you're competitive or casual

Want to get to know me a bit? Here's a little information about me! ~Extremely personal questions WILL NOT be answered under any circumstances. Feel free to mail me questions though if you're curious about my life or my "career" on Howrse~

Age: 17

Education: High School, Homeschooled

Dream job: Graphic Designer

Pets: 1 dog - Corgi/Pomeranian Mix named Sammy %3A%29.png

Other games I play: Riding Out, Star Stable, Roblox, Smallworlds