I am looking for someone to make me a layout! Or just a premade one. Message me if you have any details please!

I am almost always looking for breeding BMI's, among some others. The list below shows what I am currently looking for. Message me if you have one for sale and we can negotiate price.


About My Game
 I previously held an account with which I bred Arabians. The account was deleted when I entered high school, but I am back. I now focus on Gypsy Vanners. I've started a line of skillers, dubbed "Of Eden Blood". I crossbreed Mustangs and Vanners as a side project, my aim is to eventually win a rosette in western cutting. My two unicorns produce foals for donations and profit through the sales. Feel free to make an offer on any of my horses, but I will also feel free to respectfully decline. 

About Me 
It's been awhile! I'm finishing up veterinary school :O I've loved horses since I was a little girl, though I've never owned one. I did take riding lessons for a short time. 

          {I almost always have BMI items I am willing to sell OR buy.}

          {I am also trying to boost my EC comps, so entering your skillers in my classical comps would be much appreciated.}

          {Feel free to message me, I won't bite. I love to chat with anyone.}

***My sister is also on Howrse under the guise of btwins***

***My pride and joy at the moment, Hero's Passion***