
~About My Game ~

I have been playing howrse off and on since 2015 but have only recently been a more active player. 

 I accept every friend request and try to answer every message I receive.

I currently am working on my game trying to improve EC, ranking, trophies, and collection of GAs and RCs.

I have been on multiple teams with different breeds such as Frisian, Arabian, Finnish, Standardbred, Selle, and Paints.

I am active in the 2nd top uni paint horse team, Dramatic Effects

I will buy any horse, 
foals: 500-3.5k
mares: 500-7.5k
stallions for 500-6k
geldings for 500-4k

^^ For any AP horse ^^

I am currently looking for a number of RCs and will have to put their pictures in at a later date.

~ About Me ~

I love all animals and have a small farm.
My birthday is March 25th.
I try to be a friendly person and someone who lives by "treat others how you want to be treated" although sometimes that can be proven challenging.
I have a horrid addiction to collecting and hoarding pixel horses, it's pretty rare to see me get rid of any but I'm hoping to break that soon haha.
I'm typically a go with the flow person but I can take charge when I need to.
I do not tolerate bullying, and I try to be an honest person, but I will avoid hurting any feelings at all cost.
Happy Howrseing
Layout designed by Nature Girl code created at TheUltimateHowrseHelper.weebly.com