W E L C o m e  t o  m y  p a g e
i accept random friend requests and try to congratulate back all that i see. i'm happy to help in any event or for objectives - just pm me!
a b o u t  m e
i'm a full-time college student, equestrian, and unconditional dog lover.
E Q U E S T R I A N  C E N T R E
primarily focused on my equestrian centre prestige; it would be greatly appreciated if you helped run the competitions! 
G O A L S 
every once in a while i work on breeding selle francais, kwpn, vanners, and thoroughbreds, although it's hard to keep up with the ever-rising gp. "unparalled" is the affix and breeding farm i use for these horses, and "untouched" is the breeding farm used to store them once fully blupped 
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