
I am a member of the Connie team Infiniti Connemaras, so my main focus will be on Connemaras and raising highly skilled/high GP Connies. The rest of my horses are mainly AP farmers.  (Currently not working on Infiniti Connies.)

I am in my early twenties and have been on and off Howrse a few times. I haven't played much in the past year and just hop on occasionally a couple times a month. I currently own a 5-yr old Quarter-Paint palomino tovero mare in real life. :D  

Send me a friend request! I'm up for chatting! 
I always return the favor if you send me candy during Candy Fights, or lottery tickets during the lottery!

If you are interested in having graphics made, please PM me. I can make avatars, banners, desktop backgrounds, etc. The more info you PM me with (pictures, colours, size, etc.) the better!

Updated: 3/7/18

 Click here to answer Archimedes' question! 
Click here, here, here, here, & here to Stroke Xanthos! 
Congratulate Topaz here, here, here, here, & here
Defrost Frost here
