Hello! Welcome to my page, it's pretty boring (I don't have much going on at the moment)
I don't know what else to say but have a good day!

I'm a casual Canadian player who mainly breeds KWPN horses (purebred, crossbred and the occasional unicorn) So if you ever need help with bluppng/breeding/skilling KWPN horses don't be afraid to ask me, cause I'd be happy to help! 

Crossbreeding is definitely my favourite form of gameplay, which is also why it is currently my main game focus. It may be challenging because it requires lots of planning and organization to breed the horse you want, but it is also a very fun, unique and rewarding style of gameplay! So if you need help on crossbreeding, I'd also be happy to help you out with that as well!
I will do my best to return congratulations, though I apologize if I miss you!
I accept random friend requests.. cause why not! ^-^ 
Main Affixes
Northern Legacy - kwpn dominate cross breeds - This is my current focus/project in the game. I am trying to breed kwpn horses with similar values in dressage/speed skills and high jumping skills to create (in my opinion) a kwpn that is better suited to jumping comps. My two biggest crossbreeding successes include King of the North and Frostfire.

Northern Magic - kwpn unicorns - This is more of a side project/what I do when I don't feel like cross breeding.
Breeding farms
AP - ap farm
SP - divines and special coats
P - pass horses
XB - crossbreeds
UC - unicorns w/ out coats
Other - Fillers
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