Hiya! My name is Hannah. I'm a Christian. You can call me Hannah or Hannah2Grace. I'm not new. I had an account on here before under the name Wolves2002. I'm 22 and happily engaged. I'm trying to become more active on the game but due to finishing my senior year in college and getting ready for my master's program, I'm awfully busy lol. Feel free to shoot me a pm, I'm pretty friendly. I'm always down for an RP so let me know! 
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I had an old account
I was here when the minimum price for ECs was 30 equus.
I was here when the Great Challenge didn't exist, and the Lottery was rare.
I was here before all the coats got changed.
I was here before the Lippizans, Nokotas and Argentian Criollos.
I was here before the Chinese Divines and the Seal of the Apocalypse.
I was here when you could buy Apollos' Lyres in the Black Market.
I was here before the Equestrian Forum, and before we could "heart," "quote," and use "spoilers."
I was here before the VIP Account.
I was here before Highland Ponies, Akhal-Tekes, and Icelandic Horses.
I was here before Gypsum's new coat, and here when the Cremello coat had blue eyes.
I was here before winged unicorns.
I was here before the new background format.
I was here when diamonds were a big part of the game. 
I was here when there were still Objectives.
I was here when you couldn't re-chose a username.
I am a true Howrser.
Copy and paste this to your page if you are, too!