Welcome to my page!

Keep these things in mind when messaging me -

Message me if you have the coats below and are negotiable.

Im also in search of a howrse born July 7th, 2021. The horse will be in memory of my brother, Donald. If you have a howrse born that date please send me a message! Much love 

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Looking for an aging point farmer as I have a job. If your interested please message me!

I will buy the following horses for the following prices

I have been scammed on this game but I have also been reprimanded by howrse for warning other players about the scammer. Therefore, instead of providing helpful information for other players, this page is just a mindless ramble ... the only thing howrse will allow. - made by evergreen but well placed

Everyone here is just like you another player. No one is better than you or nicer than you. We are all just players in a game and yes rankings are here in a way to judge who is a better player. But remember even the top players were once the lowest numbered players. Never ever think you are not as important as them. Not everyone will be the best breeder, but they might be the best friend to everyone and be helpful to other players and their friends. We all have a role in this game we love and while you see lots of players who are in the popularity ranking or trying for it, never think if your name isn't there it means you are not just as liked or cared about as them. Some of the nicest players I know have the least amount of horses and least amount of money and friends and If I was doing the rankings they would be #1 for niceness. Remember this is just a game for people who love horses. So we are ALL the same and I hope you always remember you do count as much as everyone else. - typed by chrissyh