Please visit my forum and check out my dragon cave dragon eggs!

rebekah13 is having a massive giveaway! Includes 50 passes, unicorns, BMIs, and Equus!

If you send Charlo a friend request, you have a chance to win a HOP! Click here and see!

OH_GOD_ITS_MY_MOM is giving away 10 passes and 1 million equus in her forum!

Silver Barron is having a giveaway!!!!

briar2011 is having a huge High GP horses giveaway

the cool trainer is having a 1,000,000 equus giveaway

 juniorlovesme is having a 100 pass giveaway!! 

I Am Having A Giveaway! Please Visit My Forum To Enter!!

I need a Chrono's Timer! I have some BMIs to trade! Please PM me if you have one you don't need!

Hello! My name is Ashley.  I will accept any help anyone can give, in any form! Thanks for looking at my page! I love anime. My favorites are Fairy Tail, Bleach and Naruto.

♬ Hey, did you hear? Sashibear is quitting the game. For all the other players out there, she is giving away EVERYTHING she has! Go sign up in her forum now, the giveaway ends at 500 entries! ♬

I will accept any friend request and am friendly so please feel free to chat!

Can you raed tihs? Olny srmat poelpe can. I cdnuolt blveiee taht I cluod aulaclty uesdnatnrd waht I was rdanieg.The phaonmneal pweor of the hmuan mnid, aoccdrnig to a rscheearch at CmabrigdeUinervtisy, it deosn't mttaer in waht oredr the ltteers in a wrod are, the olny iprmoatnt tihng is taht the frist and lsat ltteer be in the rghit pclae. The rset can be a taotl mses and you can sitll raed it wouthit a porbelm. Isn't tihs so wreid? I tnhik it is the wreidset tnihg on Ertah! If you can raed tihs cpoy and ptsae tihs on yuor pgae.

Youcan read this if you have a strong mind. TH15 M3554G3 53RV35 T0 PR0V3 H0W 0UR M1ND5 C4N D0 4M4Z1NG TH1NG5! 1MPR3551V3 TH1NG5! 1N TH3 B3G1NN1NG 1T WA5 H4RD BUT N0W, 0N TH15 L1N3 Y0UR M1ND 1S R34D1NG 1T 4UT0M4T1C4LLY W1TH 0UT 3V3N TH1NK1NG 4B0UT 1T, B3 PR0UD! 0NLY C3RT41N P30PL3 C4N R34D TH15. R3P05T 1F Y0U C4N

 Golucky is having a giveaway! Go to the forum and look!!

ilikepie000 is have a HUGE give away, go to her forum to enter!

Dr Zig's Foal Games!

Gypsy Vanner Blupping plan!

Mustang Blupping Plan!
Horselover20272 is having a giveaway!