About Me

Hi! I'm not too forward or open about myself but here are a few things that you may want to know about me:
-I'm an adult player (21)
-I'm a college student, this may mean that occasionally I will go a couple days without logging on
-I'm more of a casual player
-I accept all friend requests

My Gameplay - My Horses

In the past I didn't care about wining competitions, GP, breeding, or even collected coats. I then took a break from the game and when I came back I started to breed Argentinian Criollo's for competition. I soon realized that for some reason I was always a few steps behind when it came to that breed. I took another long break and when I came back, I realized I would have to start all over again if I wanted to breed competition horses. 

Currently, I'm working on breeding Icelandic horses!

All that being said, if you want to breed one of my mares or stallions, just shoot me a message and I will get back to you!

My Gameplay - Equestrian Center

I am the owner of "Silver Moon Valley" Equestrian Center. Currently, I have many projects in progress. Listed below are my current plans for Silver Moon Valley.

-100 boxes for each "grade" of box
-Showers and water troughs for each box
-24 meadows (600 acres)
-Tractors and feed troughs for each meadow

My plans are to reach those goals while having a low boarding cost and all possible benefits for the boarders.

If you have any questions regarding my equestrian center please send me a message and I will get back to you.