The Great Challenge / Lottery / Promotions
I participate in all the Great Challenges, lotteries and promotional games. 
I send tickets/items to all my friends if I am able to (silly limits). 
Returned tickets/items are greatly appreciated but never required.

I don't play this much anymore.  I found a couple of other horse breeding games that I'm enjoying a lot more than this one. 
I still participate in most promotions.

Please visit my Archimedes. 

Friend Requests
I accept all friend requests.
All friend requests are welcomed and accepted as soon as I see them.

I return Congratulations as I see them.
I'm very bad at checking for these.

I enter a lot of horses into a lot of competitions.  I do not look at the horses already entered.  I just enter and move on. 

Horse Purchases
Nothing to Note at this time.

Horse Sales
Any horse for sale will be listed in the sales. 
Any horse not listed is not for sale.

Prices listed are non-negotiable.