7/4/2020 Graduated High School!!

PM me any time for anything! I will reserve boxes or offer coverings for you upon request.

Old player returning. I've been on here since I was 11. So much has changed but the charm remains!
Always open for friendships! I will try to congratulate you often... when I remember, that is.
I have recently become an adult, so ask your parents before you talk to me if you're under 18.

[x]Be in top 10000 [x]5000 []1000 []100
[]Own every breed/coat combo
[x]Own 500 horses [x]1000 []5000 []10000
[x] Reach top 100 popularity []10 []1
[x]1000 congratulations []5000 []10000
[]Most monthly rosettes []Yesterday's most competition wins []100 most horses

Personal Best
Highest General Ranking
1/22/22 1461th
3/12/20 98th

2000th Congratulation - Himeros

About Me
I'm more of a browser game fan than a horse enthusiast... lol. I also play dragon cave and neopets and have been on a few others. I also love tamagotchis, makeup, and video games. I'm a psychiatric technician looking for work right now.