Heyy everyone! I have loved horses ever since I was a little girl. I used to own 3 horses but haven't since 2020. I miss them but not having horses has made me play Howrse every day. I do accept friend requests and I will congratulate you back.
Here on Howrse I like to breed a variety of horses but the breeds I breed the most are Argentinean Criollos. Appaloosas are another favorite of mine. I am not on any teams and do not plan on joining one again. I may create my own someday but we shall see! One accomplishment of mine was achieving 500 horses that I own! My next goal is to have 600! EDIT: I officially have 600 horses!! (9/17/23)
I currently have 2 horses for sale. I have 1 Shire unicornand 1 Connemara Pony and for sale. Feel free to take a look and even send me a message if you have an offer. If you are looking for something specific, please let me know and I will pair you up with a good horse of mine.