Hi, peopleced83a1ec20d9f7b45a8c537f1ccdf3c.png?1819265302. Just to let you all know I will NOT sell any of my horses with ether the

P.S or GA cots and the horses that are over 1000 genetic potential SO DO NOT ASK

FOR THEM, and if you want a covering from one of my horses or a baby from one of

 my mares you have to ask first and give me a good price you will pay for them.


Pick your birth month and birth day out to find out what happens!


January: Bonded to

February: Arrested by

March: Traded lives with

April: Dating

May: Killed by

June: Child of

July: In love with

August: Captured by

September: Sharing a prison cell with

October: Handcuffed to

November: Became the pet of

December: Saved by


1: Megatron

2: Bumblebee

3: Knockout

4: The Fallen

5: Barricade

6: Soundwave

7: Ratchet

8: Dreadwing

9: Ironhide

10: Optimus Prime

11: Sunstreaker and Sideswipe

12: The Aerialbots

13: Breakdown

14: Wheeljack

15: Jazz

16: Cliffjumper

17: Shockwave

18: Starscream

19: Blaster

20: The Stunticons

21: Scalpel

22: Gears

23: Mirage

24: Thundercracker

25: Blurr

26: Sentinel Prime

27: Sideways

28: Skywarp

29: Skidz and Mudflap

30: Prowl

31: Bulkhead

Guess what I was killed by Prowl.