A Grateful & Dedicated Member of Hooved Animal Humane Society
 (Google it, links not allowed here)


About Congratulations

I'm not on this server for more than a few minutes a day, so I don't check that often.

If there is a promo going on that rewards congrats I will try to respond,

but otherwise I probably will not. Sorry. I return other promo assists too.

I am currently breeding Donkeys on this server.

Here, my new mission is to breed as many one-star donks as possible, and put them in nice new coats.

This is a long-term program, as I have two Midas giving my donks H-packs every month.

* - News! We now have Donkey Unicorns! e7e0b504610fac2eb3eaba34d6edee5b.png

I'm going to be breeding them just like my one-star donks, in that I will not be blupping them,

but keeping their 308 GP as intact as possible. Only breed them with Qilin monthly.

I'm not very active on this server anymore, just here for my donks.

In fact, this account is just for nostalgia of the game that used to be fun. 

Most of my friends went away with the Pass Horse.

If this account was deleted today, I would not make a new one. Corporate greed ruins everything.

How likely are you to recommend Howrse to your friends?
(0 = very unlikely, 10 = very likely)


I'd be embarrassed. There's a wider Gaming community out there, and Howrse has a 1 star of 5 reputation.

Things I don't like about recent changes
(in no particular order, added as I remember or are new bonehead changes)

Sleipnir's new coat
Gypse (sand horse) becoming Gypsum  (sold it after that)
New rules making co-management a royal pain
All of the 'horror' based customization items (SIX of them!)
Hideous Wandering Horses (eew)
Return of companions (reprints especially)
Yggdrasil & Pass horse removal (betrayal !)
Teams (ALL the recent rules, no more teams for me)
VIP (done wrong)
Banning players from hosting contests and giveaways
Draconian 'Item / Pass trafficking' rules
Diamonds becoming passes (not needed)
Win a Rosette goal  (in one day, impossible for 99%)
Searches: Lack of critical items, while there IS pointless bonus items?
Naming: disallowing perfectly legit ASCII characters
Divine Fragments

EC Employees
Toxic forums

The new notification system (hate it)
 *--> No notice of Daily Objectives but DOES have pointless Operational Capacity?
Sales Taxes (ya, taxes are popular...)
Removal of $2 Pass UFO (I WAS a pass buyer, but not anymore, you happy howrse?)
Claiming that buying & selling Store items is cheating.

Fragment minefield trap in direct sales of Black Friday event.

Great Challenge Bonus Round: 10 lottery tickets per drawing suddenly is 1 per drawing by *MAGIC*

I didn't think they could mess up the Lottery, but they found a way! Lottery tickets that don't win anything? Yawn!

Fragment minefield trap in direct sales of Black Friday event... AGAIN!!!

Companions as the 'Grand' prize in events

 Even worse... Tack as event 'Grand' prize. At least companions don't come in 'pieces'!

 Even WORSE than tack or companions... USELESS BMI (Eros Egg)

I hate UFO events, not only are they awful, they block normal AP UFOs.

The new, impossible Daily Objectives that everyone hates. (pure sadism)

Nerfed HoPs with such bad odds that even 50 won't win the Divine.

(I Know how they used to work, I got around 40 Divines with HoPs)

Fragment minefield trap again in Black Friday event... I boycotted the event.

2023 - Fragment minefield is finally GONE it seems. Bought a Reserved horse.

Removal of Suggestion Forum (International)

It's no wonder what's happening here recently. I wonder if those who made these changes actually play the game?

I have now moved all horses that are for sale or might possibly be for sale into 'My Horses without a breeding farm' AKA 'The other horses'  DO NOT bother me with PMs about anything in other farms, if you do I reserve the right to block you. Thank you for understanding. 

Another thing I seem to need to add; though in my day, adults didn't need to come with 'warning labels' (o).png?779456162

I am an adult player, even though my family claims I'm having a second childhood... (lol).png?779456162

(Photos removed because photo bucket stinks)

Lady, passed away 8/4/2020 from EPM at age 25


^ My Lady, you will be missed... a4bc962b6472bd3fac0f915a0ff0c336.png25376ca9c38f23811c401c64339ffa93.png

An old Cherokee is teaching his grandson about life. "A fight is going on inside me," he said to the boy.
"It is a terrible fight and it is between two wolves. One is evil - he is anger, envy, sorrow, regret, greed, arrogance, self-pity, guilt, resentment, inferiority, lies, false pride, superiority, and ego." He continued, "The other is good - he is joy, peace, love, hope, serenity, humility, kindness, benevolence, empathy, generosity, truth, compassion, and faith. The same fight is going on inside you - and inside every other person, too."

The grandson thought about it for a minute and then asked his grandfather, "Which wolf will win?"
The old Cherokee simply replied, "The one you feed."

Blessings! (l).png?975083578