Image result for doctor who quote icon

Feel free not to read my page (icons are at the bottom, if you're interested--steal all you like... oh wait, it's not fun to steal if you get permission. Oops. Forget I said anything.) Do not feel bad if you can't suffer through my presentation. I looked through it, and it is bor-ring! Or was. This is my attempt to fix that. PM me if you think my attempt failed. :P

First thing to note: I am weird. Okay, maybe not as weird as some people, but weird in some ways. Give me a pen and paper (or a keyboard and computer) and you'll see what I mean. Well, I actually have a keyboard now, so mwahahahahaha!

I like evil laughs. That is another thing for you to note, if you wish. If you do not wish, then by all means don't.

Here is the third thing to note: I am a GA hoarder. Really. Just look at my "coats" tab. I used to just collect the "pretty" ones, but... *ahem* now I can't part with any of them. Well, I could part with them. I just don't want to.

Okay, point four! (Making these points is helping me stay on track! Yay!) Despite my hoarding tendencies, I like being nice. Not necessarily giving away horses dirt cheap (I need money to keep up my collection) but I try to help. One thing I do is raise Objective 91 horses. I plan to sell them cheaply to people who need them for the objective. I had a rotten time with that objective, and I don't want that to happen to anyone else.

Please don't message me with advertisements. It will only annoy me and make me not want to check out whatever you're talking about. On a similar note, I don't "chat". I'm fine with doing business and that sort of thing, but chatting, especially when there's no topic or point to it, it kinda... , if you know what I mean. There is the exception of obsessing over the Percy Jackson books or similar things. :) Also, I am fairly knowledgeable about this game, so if you have a question, feel free to ask me. I may or may not know the answer, but I'll try to help.


I buy GA horses.

I also buy ANY horse for 1600e or under. You don't need to PM me. Just reserve. :)



Please do not ask for my horses for cheap prices (unless, like I said above, it's for objective 91). I'm getting tired of saying something like, "No, I can not sell you my GA horse for 8,000e and no passes. She is worth much more than that."

I try to be nice, especially if you're new to the game and aren't sure how much certain horses should cost and such. But please, if you know better, don't offer ridiculous prices for my horses.

Also, the horses in the "My Favorites" tab are not for sale, okay? Same goes for the ones in the "Coats" tab, unless I say otherwise.

I don't do horse trades. I'm too attached to my horses.

Okay, that's most of the boring stuff over. As you will see by my icons, I'm obsessed with a number of things... Percy Jackson... writing... Harry Potter... writing... Shakespeare...

Thank you for reading (a.k.a. suffering through my writing)!
Here is your reward: icons!

Percy Jackson:

Lord of the Rings:

The Princess Bride (BTW the book is awesome):

Writing (For you younger Howrsers, please be assured I will never actually hurt you--I'm on the other side of a computer, for one thing. These are simply icons that I find funny because I like writing. For you older Howrsers, feel free to roll your eyes at my little apology thing, and I am sorry if I have reduced the fun in explaining the joke.):

And, in case you're wondering, here are two magic numbers: 1,667 and 50,000.

Harry Potter:
funny harry potter photo:  308724_292500247450372_210077742359290_983512_722006979_n.jpgth_Icon-17.jpgth_n501846477_966928_2173.jpgnomuggles.jpg?width=100&height=1002m798cw.giflcnzt.giffunny-harry-potter-what-are-you-doing-this-weekend-quotes.jpg404792aiefw9pl7z.gifpotter-pincers.gif827164w9quqvjf62.pngth_i136326244_87908_4.jpge17069d17cb1089ca259eaff218571de-d3lbl5e.png404797sv7s33ws8f.gif232.jpgundefinedth_thobsessed.gifharry potter Pictures, Images and PhotosFunny_Icon__though____by_Katlyn_Bell.gifQuidditch5.jpgimages?q=tbn:ANd9GcT4id_Rf1LWLmOsk_YyBYAmQ6YT9GVRr4InCAf_LELaRRNVZU_a

Doctor Who:
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32560497.png296ox7d-1.jpg?t=1242123395C0owe.png ilovebooks.jpgtho0o.jpgautodoors-jedi.jpgth4.jpgfunntyanime.gif29742910.gifbig.4579043.jpgfor-this-you-die.jpg?w=3001805311.jpg?zekhzejdfzgcc591147h2e5l9m85u.jpg