Name: Max
Gender: Female
Interests: Video editing, drawing.
Fandoms: Detroit Become Human, Transformers Prime, How To Train Your Dragon, The Walking Dead, Weightlifting Fairy Kim Bok Joo, Strong Girl Bong Soon.

"Every sentient being deserves a chance for redemption." - Optimus Prime (Tfp)
"An eye for an eye and the world goes blind." - Markus (Dbh)
"Or maybe you just need dragons to conquer people. To destroy those who won't follow you." - Hiccup (Httyd)
"Learn to stand on your own feet. Everyone lives their own lives. You can't expect anyone to solve your own problems." - Joon Hyung (Wfkbj)

“It’s only when people are gone that you notice their presence in your life." - Min Hyuk (Sgbs)
"Was this the plan? Was it supposed to be this way? Is this who you wanted to be?"  - Carl Grimes (Twd)