I love friend requests and random "hello" messages!50585be4e3159a71c874c590d2ba12ec.png

About me: Hey guys! Finally edited my bio since 2012...                     I am a 24yo Engineer who hops on occasionally to check up on the horses. Some hobbies: rock climbing, surfing, mountain biking. 

My howrse: I WILL BUY ANY UNWANTED HORSES. I am currently just breeding for KWPN s. Please pm me if you are selling any. :D_v1828806360.png Today's lucky winner is about trying to get someone to the top 100 of popularity. When you visit my page, please visit this person and congratulate them. It will make someone's day! The people will change every 24 hours. 
Things you would actually care aboutThe person you are reading about currently has no achievements, dreams or good idea's to give you. Come back again later on this month for this to be filled with waffles and other sugary lies. 8339536_orig.gif
#65 in popularity on 10-23-15
Please PM me if you have any questions, prayer requests, ratings of my
equestrian center
 and anything else. I will accept any random friend requests

                           Congrats You made it to the end!!! lol        starlegacy