If you send me a PM and I don't respond right away, please be patient. I often forget to respond to messages, then remember a week later.

Rєвσʀη is recruiting. For more info, PM Laura234, Marred, or MistAndMagic. Looking for active members. We are willing to help newer players, or players new to the breed.

Always in search of blupping BMI's. Message me what you have

All horse sales will be passes to fuel my blupping process. If a horse is for passes and you offer me equus, it will be ignored. 

Any horses under the Rєвσʀη tab will most likely be up for sale at some point in a week or two. If you spot one you'd like, PM me an offer. 

Have any extra AP that you have no use for? Send me a gift, and i'll return the favor : )

If you need help filling comps, send me a PM with the name and affix, and I'll do my best to find them.

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