Hello, you can call me 4 Winds. I have been playing this game off and on for many years. I remember when 1 green star was hard to get and 2 green stars had just been unlocked. I lost my first account and started this one later. I am an adult player and I am writing a book and plan to publish it soon hopefully. I am looking to collect different breeds, so if you have a pure bred horse you need to re-home, PM me. Feel free to browse through my collections. Don't forget to congratulate my Topaz! (link provided below)




Wild Horses:

Spanish Mustang


 Rare Coat Collection:

 Golden Apples - 29
 Silver Apples - 8
 Vintage Apples - 4
 Fifth Element - 9
Magic Hat - 1
Wanderer's Spirit - 2

Wilderness Count - 2


 Top GP/IBS Arabian Foal Currently Bred:

Sleeping Beauty


 Top GP/IBS Cross Breed Foal Currently Bred:

GP Black Fire
IBS Blaze
IBS Wild Fire


Fully BLUPed and Bolded Pure Bred Arabian Stallions offering coverings:

 Bourkan - GP 2094.52 - Total 2762.15
Wicked Whisper - GP 1988.37 - Total 2661.63
Wind Storm - GP 1949.32 - Total 2610.40
Rocky - GP 2015.45 - 1924.43
Strut Your Stuff - GP 1253.11 - Total 1512.72
Tip - GP 767.61 - Total 893.48


Fully BLUPed and Bolded Cross Bred Stallions offering coverings(BOLD breed is the dominate breed):

Blaze -GP 7169.57 - tb/ARAB
The Sun Warrior - GP 5804.6 - Total 7561.38 - arab/TB
Templar - GP 5798.33 - Total 6987.99 - ARAB/tb
Think Fast! - GP 5599.09 - Total 7406.87 - GV/tb/qh/arab/kwpn
Quick Silver - GP 5430.89 - Total 6631.69 - GV/kwpn/tb/arab

Want a foal from one of my top mares? PM me which mare and if you want one to use one of my stallions or one of yours. I will PM you back with the cost of the foal. I am glad to help out new players. Must be able to reserve in sales.


 Favorite Horse Breeds:

 Quarter Horses
 Tennessee Walking Horses

Favorite Books:

The Hannaria Series: Out of the Gray
The Hannaria Series: Legacy
 The Hunger Games
 Catching Fire
 Mocking Jay
 Guardians of Ga'Hoole
 Black Stallion
 Andromedia Strain
 Jurassic Park

Favorite Video Games:

Super Smash Bros.
 Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess
Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time
 Pokemon Mario Kart Double Dash
 Sonic Adventures 2: Battle
 Harvest Moon: Another Wonderful Life
