Hey Everyone! I don't know if you noticed, but i've been very absent lately, due to a large number of real life things, not to mention an overload of school, that came up recently (though the new promo system really didn't help). i'll be playing rather sporadically, and I apologize for not answering PM, returning lotto tickets, and whatnot. I'm going to do my best to get who I missed in the next lotto. Sorry again, and happy howrsing!

Horsegirl275's quotes

"Why are you crying?"
"Because," she whispered, her voice shaking, "you remind me of what the world ought to be. What the world can be."— Sarah J. Maas

Goodreads Quotes

On Howrse since 2009

Hello! If you have a horse or pony of any kind with a turtle, kangaroo, bee, frog, camel, or ladybug companion, please pm me! Thanks!

I'm sorry, but most of my RCs aren't for sale. 

Swing by my forum! howrse_stamp___visit_my_forum_by_eventer4ever_ali-d3han1g.png

I have been on howrse, with different(older) accounts, since 2009, so if you have a question, feel free to pm me, I'll do my best to answer!50585be4e3159a71c874c590d2ba12ec.png?242583136

Lowest ranking ever: 3173th

I'm the kind of girl who will have a smile on her face all day because she just read a beautiful book. 

PM me to chat books!



Another banner from Camergue, so sweet!50585be4e3159a71c874c590d2ba12ec.png?1009036530 Thanks Cam!

Awww! Thanks camergue!!!!!50585be4e3159a71c874c590d2ba12ec.png?137722501   

Links to 5 Xanthoses and Archimedes

1st Xanthos 2nd Xanthos 3rd Xanthos 4th Xanthos 5th Xanthos Archimedeshorse.jpg

Arab are the best. No question.

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"You ask me what sport I do. I'll say Equestrian. You tell me: it's not a sport. You tell me: it's easy. You tell me it takes no skill. You tell me: we just sit there. You tell me:we aren't athletes. You tell me: it's just a silly hobby. But I ask you: have you ever trusted something so unpredictable who, with one misstep can kill us? Have you ever fallen from 10feet up,going 35mph, brushed yourself off and kept going??? Have you ever raced full speed towards a solid obstacle? Have you ever jumped something that's taller than you? So before you underestimate us, think to yourself; do you understand the true bond required? Have you ever had a team mate, ten times your size? Ask yourself that, don't judge us. Repost if you are a proud horse rider♥"


It's so bad....but so funny...339ivf4.jpg

If you put the banner I made(below) on your page, can you put By horsegirl275 above or below it? Thanks~horsegirl275

Make your own banner at MyBannerMaker.com

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