I made my Profile pic <3

Things about Me,and what I like

About my Game

  1. Im competitive,but for fun.
  2. I do buy passes.
  3. I collect GA coats,retired and non.
  4. I dont sell horses unless I have copies that I dont need.
  5. Please dont message me asking to buy your horse for passes.
  6. If you congratulate me,and I miss returning the favor,please message me and I will fix that!
  7. I do breed horses that are PB,and tend to breed only when fully BULP and BOLDED,and PUREBRED.
  8. I dont really like to send horses to the SF or Let them die.So I tend to keep them.
  9. Do I like friend requests? YES,SEND ME ONE! :D
  10. Will I talk? I tend to always reply to messages :)

Ranked 11th in popularity on Dec 4,2019
Ranked 19th in popularity on Dec 3,2019

Ranked 16th in popularity On November 4,2018

Ranked 20th in popularity on October 25,2016

Ranked 12th in popularity on October 21,2016
Ranked 22nd in popularity on October 19,2016
Ranked 29th in popularity on October 18,2016
Ranked 24th in popularity on Oct 2,2014

Ranked 28th in popularity Oct 1,2014
CONGRATS TO P S Y C H O for being the 2000th person to congratulate me :D
