The name's Harley Quinn. You can call me Harley. I'm in my 20's, married, and a soon-to-be stay at home mama :)

As of March 2021, I am a mum! 

We currently have three animals: a long haired cat names Elsa, a short haired calico named Remmy, and an Australian Shepard named Guru.  I rode horses as a kid up until my barn shut down when I was 16 or so.  I primarily did barrels and rode a spunky appy named Dolly Parton. 

When I'm not on Howrse, I really enjoy gardening (started uo around 150 seeds this season), painting, and watching crime shows. 

As of right now, I'm on a sort of break from the game.  I'm not sure when but my daughter is due in the next couple of weeks and once that happens, all my online activity will be through co-managment.  Because of this, I may not get to messages in a timely manner and I apologize for that. 

I have hundreds of foundation horses (both OG and new foundies) so if you are a NIB breeder, feel free to reach out for a covering!

I am primarily breeding for teams at the moment, but I occasionally breed unicorns and have been trying to help my mum out on her personal french trotter project. 

I do submit coats for the black pearl each month (if I remember) and I would greatly appreciate the votes to get them in :)
I am currently on two teams :  A Wᴏʀʟᴅ Oғ Sᴀʟᴛʏ Bᴇᴀcʜᴇꜱ and  Ƭίɳƈéίɾ Ʀõίȿίɳ

I love my teams.  They are both very different but enjoyable and make the game so much more fun. As of right now, I am not looking to joining any new teams as I am finding myself with less and less time to spend on blupping. 

 A Wᴏʀʟᴅ Oғ Sᴀʟᴛʏ Bᴇᴀcʜᴇꜱ is the #1 welsh team on the international server and a great group of people.  If you are looking to get into competitive teams but don't want to be over whelmed, I highly recommend reaching out to this team :) 


Ƭίɳƈéίɾ Ʀõίȿίɳ is the top vanner team on international and is less relaxed than the welsh team but its made up of a great group of people.  If you can commit to 8 blups a week, and enjoy a more fast paced team environment, it's a great team :)

NO team horses are offered over sales release so please do not ask. 

Other than that, feel free to make *reasonable* offers on any of my horses.  That being said, do not be offended if I simply say "no".  Also, please keep in mind that I have a new baby coming and will not be online super frequently, so it may take time for me to reply :)