A little about Didgy herself...
 In real life, I'm 25, I have a degree in Psychology and am coordinating mental health/behavioral services for children and conducting research on mood disorders working towards authorship.  I'm aiming for a doctoral in clinical psychology, forensic psychology or behavioral neuroscience/physiological psychology.  I haven't quite narrowed it down yet -- it's all too interesting!  

In my freetime, I enjoy  video games, music, painting, drawing, writing, and weight-lifting.  I listen to punk, rap, metal, indie, folk, and synthwave (like dreamwave and popsynth ... Beach House & Glass Animals).  If you're into any of these genres, please hit me up because I'm always on the hunt for dope new tunes.  

Please send me a friend request!  Also I'm down to chat w/ any fellow Howrser.  :)  

Didgy as Howrse knows her...
  Didgy has been on Howrse since 2009, when she was 13.   I casually breed nice horses.  I go through phases where I go pretty ham on Howrse and phases where I forget about it.  Never left for long, though, wonder if I ever will. 

Recently, I focus primarily on Selle Francais and Shire Unicorns.  Trying to branch out into other breeds and build up farms of KWPN, QH, TB, Appaloosas, Paints, etc.  


this is what my first Howrse looked like, years & years ago