puprun.giflook at this dog its so cute


Hello and welcome! I've never been one for serious bios or presentations, but here goes: my name is Cori, I'm sixteen, and I don't really know what I'm doing.



I played on Howrse a long while ago, back when I first got into riding when I was ten, but after a while of amassing an empire, I kind of forgot about it. When I returned on a whim, I saw that things had gotten much better so I figured I'd throw myself in again.


About Me

As stated previously, I'm sixteen. I have two horses in real life, Kate and Harley. Harley is my sweet Arab boy and I love him to pieces a4bc962b6472bd3fac0f915a0ff0c336_v1828806360.png We do 25 - 30 mile endurance rides for AERC and ECTRA.

I'm a huge fangirl, it's not even funny at this point. I'm into Criminal Minds, Haikyuu, Free, SnK, OHSHC, FMA, Tsuritama, and probably more that I can't think of right now.


BM Items

I'm always looking for Waters of Youth, Golden Apples, and Achilles Heels. Prices are below.

WoY - 25 000e or trade

GA - 55 000e or trade

AH - 40 000e or trade



Most if not all of my horses are up for sale at any given time. There is no set price for any that have no items already, and if you would like to make me an offer, just PM me and I'll get back to you as soon as I can.

I like to fancy myself a skiller as well as a breeder, so if you're interested in sending me a horse to skill and BLUP, PM me and we will work out a price.

All horses without the affixes uɳɗ wiʀ รiɳɗ ɗiɛ ʝägɛʀѳɳɛ tɦѳuรɑɳɗ ɑɳɗ ѳɳɛ, cɦɑɳgɛ yѳu ʆikɛ ɑ ʀɛɱix, รɦѳt iɳ tɦɛ ɗɑʀk, tɦɛ ʀѳɑɗ ʆɛรร tʀɑѵɛʆɛɗ, ʀѳɱɑɳciɳg tɦɛ รtѳɳɛ, and tɦɛʀɛ ɑɳɗ ɓɑck ɑgɑiɳ are for sale always. PM me for prices. Horses with no affix are also for sale. I do not sell unicorns unless it's for passes.

All male coverings are available for 1000e.

I will buy all unwanted horses for 2750e each, just put them in RS. Limit five per person.


        A fairy tale doesn't tell children that dragons exist; children already know that dragons exist.

Today's Reid Quote:  August 6th

"Look at me. Without a gun at my hip, I look like a teacher's assistant."

Today's Reid Quote: August 7th

"We interrupt your usual musical selection with an important announcement: never wage a practical joke war on an MIT graduate. We have a history of going nuclear. Now sit back, relax, and enjoy the dulcet sounds of me, screaming in your ear. [loud screaming]"

Today's Reid Quote: August 12th

Blake: "Don't you know what she looks like?"

Reid: "I don't need to. She's already the most beautiful girl in the world to me."

Today's Reid Quote: August 20th

"Why wouldn't I understand? Because I don't have kids? ...Well I could have."