My EC is currently closed to the public. However, please feel free to PM me if you wish to pursue a reservation. At the moment, I will only make reservations for horses with at least 20,000 skills or foals that will be trained to have over 20,000 skills.
I am currently writing multiple young adult/new adult novels with a primary focus on romance. All of my stories are being written on Wattpad and will hopefully be updated regularly. Click the above link to view my books.
I will buy ANY horse for 3500e. Please reserve the horse you want me to buy and PM me to let me know. 
I am also buying a number of BM items and/or horses with BM items. PM me for a list of BM items I'm searching for.
I am currently only focusing on French Trotters with my team, but may pursue another breed in the future. Stay tuned for updates.
Hi there! Here are a few things about me: 
 - I'm an adult player, so please only interact with me if you're comfortable with that. 
 - I'm autistic and WILL NOT accept any ableism. Ableist slurs and discrimination will get you reported immediately, so please be mindful of what you say. 
 - I am extremely into politics, but I will not discuss them on Howrse. Do not PM me regarding politics because it's likely that I won't answer. 
 - I'm currently in the process of starting my own business, so yay for that! 
- I adore making friends, but I am so bad at communicating. Please don't feel bad if I don't respond right away, even if it looks like I'm online. I get so overwhelmed at times, I promise I'm not ignoring you.