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Unfortunately I am being forced to completely limit my time on Howrse. I am preparing for my first year at highschool and competing in figure skating. Unfortunately life is just too busy.
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 Note:: I am forced to limit my time on Howrse now a days. School is proving to be too stressful this year and I am very caught up in sports. I will try to get on more often but I dont know. Sorry 
8083.png Plz click on my wolf/pack.
School just restarted and I am over my head in homework and sports, so im not on as often as I was. Sorry

I love wolves! People often ask me why my favorite animal is so vicious. Ever heard of stereo types??? My tutor asked me one day what I want to be. This was our conversation . . .

"So what do you want to be when you grow up?"

Smiling I answered,"I want to own my own wolf sanctuary!" 

She looked at me like I was crazy,"Dont wolves, like, kill humans and take children."

I stifled a laugh,"Those are all just stereo types."

"Have you ever even TOUCHED one?"

"Yes, I have."

That was the end of that conversation :)

On my birthday one year my parents took me to St. Francis Wolf Sanctuary. We got a tour of all the wolf's exibit, and then she took one out for me. The wolf's name was Rafiki and she was so sweet. She had snow white fur. I got to pet her and we took pictures together. St. Francis Wolf Sanctuary has inspired me to own my own wolf sanctuary in the future.

I have a dog and a rabbit. Sadie is a beagle who will be nine in October 2011. Kira is my rabbit. She is a caramel colour. She is five.

I am reluctant to give out personal info so please do not ask.

I accept ALL friends requests.


For those of you who speak Spanish, PM me!!! I recently whent on a Spanish Immersian and I want to keep up my spanish, so please PM me (in Spanish ce52790629679d930ca16c39a4f619c3.png?na4qsfhac

  Well I have been on the game since 4/20/10! In the beginning I just bred my horses for fun, until I got all into the best horses (at the time it was only 1200+ skills) I spent all my time on here training and breeding my best horses, and each time I finished blupping a horse other horses would already be on the top. So I gave up trying to breed my own and whent to one of the top breeders and asked for a horse (accepting her price). I waited months but she never bred my foal. I PMed her offering an even higher price but she never answered me back. Thats when I turned to the forums. I have RPGs (Role Play Games) in my forum that I usually get onto daily.


Fool me once shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on you.

Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never break me.

Strength is nothing more than how well you hide the pain. Nothing more, nothing less.

Everything is o.k. in the end. If everything is not o.k. then it is not the end.

Good things fall apart so that better things can fall together.

There is no such thing as a bad dog. However there is such thing as a bad owner. (I came up with this one myself)

I'm a lover not a fighter but I will fight for what I love.

Many people will walk in and out of your life but only, but only true friends will leave footprints.

Shoot for the moon. Even if you miss you will land among the stars.

The best and most beautiful things cannot be seen or even touched. They must be felt with the heart.

You never know how strong you are until being strong is the only option.

Never give up on something you cant go a day without thinking of.

Life isnt about waiting for the storm to pass ... its about learning to dance in the rain.

Being happy doesnt mean that life is perfect. It means that you have learned to see beyond the imperfections.

Sometimes all you can do is laugh to keep yourself from crying.

Sometimes you just need to run away to see who might come after you.

That which does not kill us, makes us stronger.

Heres to the future cause I'm done with the past.

People put up walls not to keep others out but to see who cares enough to break them down.

In order to be old and wize, you first must be young and stupid.

Haters never die. They just multiply.

When you feel like giving up, remember why you held on for so long in the first place.

Never take life too seriously. No one gets out alive anyway.

The darkest hour is allways just before the dawn breaks.

The weak can never forgive. Forgiveness is an attribute of the strong.

Just remember ... if Earth didnt suck, we'd all fall off.

The purpose of life is a life of purpose.

Pain is a good thing. It lets you know that you are still alive.

I'm the author of my life and unfortunately I'm writing in pen. You can allways scratch out the mistakes but they will allways still be there. Nothing will completely erase them.

Fail with honour rather than to succeed with fraud.

29w0gar.jpg Go to Garniro's page/forum to learn more 935cc82ef2748ac36d8c208173df154a.png?qsdfhtz7td112

I have many Role Play Games in my forum (wolf x2 packs, fox, warrior and guardian RPGs) Feel free to join. My second wolf pack is currently looking for an alpha male however if you dont think you will be able to play him often please sign up for a lesser role.

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