"As people grow up its pretty rare actually that people continue as friends through their life time. We all change as we mature and sometimes they people we associate with lead us in different directions" - by the wise, loyal and amazing butterflydreaming, all the best for you and your amazing family :)

I am free~ yeeey back to training horses 8D
If anyone wants~ I can train/blup your horse for you. It costs 5 passes if the horse does not have a MA and timer and free if it does :) 
It's something random, and I feel like trying it out~ You can check my trustworthy message in my forum.
Hohoho, thank you~
Hi everyone! I took down my pics since I needed space to write about my game 8) but they can be seen here:   Photobucket 
So, I'm not going to reveal much about myself but rather my game... 
Howrse for me is extremely fun and exciting but this only lasts for however long I look after/train my horses. After all that's been done it gets rather boring since I don't usually communicate with anyone so it's quite lonely here 855f2acb12410ea8c7951e834f5ff498.png?137722501 I am however, willing to accept friend requests and have a chat 8D

I'm from a family that has rather high academic expectations of their children and honestly most of the time I don't mind it but other times it's so frustrating. I guess you could call Howrse my little get away from that stress :) There are just so many lovely players here and it just brightens up my days. 
Thanks CraXoR!
Dear Howrse,
I'm utterly disappointed by your decision on the black pearl.My coats all were HD quality yet you say different and when my first ever coat that I entered was a complete blur you accepted it unknowingly. Since this time you've got less coats to work with I bet you just got rid of half of them. What in the world are you thinking?! Something is obviously wrong with your system of judging and I want the creation space changed no I'm not looking for passes I want to submit coats so please get rid of that dumb judging system and start looking at what the players want.