My real life has drastically changed! I became the proud owner of a rescued, purebred, registered, 4 year old Arabian gelding in October 2012. His name is Sunny, and we are taking dressage lessons. I'm so excited and happy to be developing a relationship with my first horse!

About my horses:

Check in LionHill Estates to see outstanding Arabians with +100 BLUP! Some of them are great competitors, and all of them are special. I have a number of stallions standing at stud!

If you are interested in using any of my stallions at stud, send me a PM (private message), and I'll reserve a covering for you after we negotiate a fee. Most are at stud from $500 to $1000.

I have many other breeds in "The Other Horses" tab. My other meadows are for horses I've bred but that are not yet trained fully.

And Sprite, my foundation mare, is retired in Kiri's Corner, with a few young horses for company.

About me:

When I was 5, I wanted to be a horse when I grew up. Horses had all the things I wanted: beauty, intelligence, freedom, speed and people to love them.

We lived on a Native American reservation and there was a horse pound. Patty, my best friend, and I would go there, sneak in, and ride the horses. Our favorite was an old draft horse we named "Stead". He was about 3 feet wide (well at least in our eyes!).

Horses were always wandering into our neighborhood to eat our grass, and we would catch them and get a free ride. I always wanted my own horse, but we were not able to have one.

Later, Patty's dad worked on a big ranch, and we rode every weekend. Our typical route was over the mesa, across the river, eat our lunch, then ride back. We had to watch out for prairie dog holes and rattlesnakes, and fording the river was sometimes a challenge. My horse, Ulysses, always bucked when I first got on him, so I learned to stick like a burr. Oh, did I mention, we often rode bareback, though we used our western saddles for long rides.

When I was much older, I became a registered animal technician, and did some of my practicum work in an equine clinic. Very interesting. One of the things we had to do was design a model stable.

For years I couldn't have a horse, as I live in a huge city - Now see my News Flash! above!