
▀▄▀▄▀▄ нvαммsтαηgι ▄▀▄▀▄▀

We are recruiting!
Must be able to do 2 blups a week.
Wonderful chance to join the competitive 2nd Icelandic horse team! We moved into first overnight but due to lack of players, we cannot hold the place. Could you be one to help?
MUST have your own AP farm, we can help get one up and running.
Gifts for your help at the end of the month!
Will train and give advice on blupping all the time.
We need to work together, friendly competitive people are sought after

Your title here

I BUY Ap horses for 3200e. Negotiation appreciated if you're selling bulk but I will not refuse to buy any for that price. Message me to let me know you have reserved or if you want to bulk sell.
Any horse of mine for sale will be negotiable. I will get a tab ''For Sale'' up so that anything I definately want to sell are in there ready for viewing. Thank you for looking at my profile.
This is for an Objective.

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