Due to some unforeseen issues in my private life, I am not on here much.  Thank you to all the people who are so generous and thoughtful. 


The New Howrse Breeds







Peruvian Paso Fino




Some of My Favorite Horse Breeds


  Cavalia Andalusian




Gypsy Vanner





 Bashkir Curly


Canadian Horse and Foal






Welcome to my Soapbox

This is my place to vent the foolishness I find on here.  So fair warning, it's not pretty reading. 

I have new gripe!  I had an issue with my horses history being absent.   I took a screen shot of it, and put it in the forum.  That is a no no!  I didn't think we couldn't put things that APPLIED to the game!  It's not like I had cookies or the Lion King posted!  Not only that WHY is it EVERYONE'S  job to MODERATE when they're NOT mods!  Why do people not PM you and tell you things privately and nicely.  I have made many a friend on here by NOT being a mini mod to them in the forum.  It's NOT a big deal.  It was perfectly appropriate. Next thing you know, we are going to be told we cant type in the forums!

Community Forum Posts:

I wanted to make a point to everyone in general.   No matter how long someone is on this game, it does not mean they have read the rules at the top of the forum list.   People skim stuff and don't always pay attention.  So verbally "reprimanding" someone and telling them they should know the rules because of how long they have been does not always apply. Or, what if you're new, and someone who SHOULD know, tells you to do something? This happened to me, and I was the one who had to take the heat in the forum. 

No matter what the forum rules are, why do people freak out over caps?  Caps is not always yelling. Sometimes it is for emphasis.  Since there is no bold, italics, or underlining people try to put emphasis by using all caps.  Or sometimes, it is just to draw attention to a certain area of a post.  Maybe they should change this rule and realize it no longer means just yelling, or they could add bold, italics, and underlining to the writing box.

If it such a big deal, why don't they make it that you can't post in the forum unless you "read" a page with the rules first and check a box saying you have read them(like when you update your iTunes).  People can still not read it, but you have a higher chance.  Then if they break the rules, there could be some sort of reprimand.

Next, I have a beef with the fact that someone stated that if a person were to continue using caps that the mods may dock karma points.  Here is my issue.  People are sold horses in bad shape on this game, and there is no rules against that.  But you use caps too many times and they threaten to take your karma points away?  Talk about really confused!

Here yet is another rude and stupid thing from the infamous COMMUNITY forums. "I think you have been on this game long enough to know that advetising is not alolowed on the public forums you could try your own ec forum or your page". Yes, the spelling errors are theirs, not mine.

Safe Haven or Heaven controversy:

Safe Haven.  This is HAVEN not HEAVEN.  Horses DO NOT die here. Now, for most of us, this is common sense and understands what those two words mean.  But for those of you who are a little unsure, here is what the dictionary tells us about these two words.

Safe as an adjective

secure from liability to harm, injury, danger, or risk:

free from hurt, injury, danger, or risk:

involving little or no risk of mishap, error, etc.

dependable or trustworthy:

careful to avoid danger or controversy:

denied the chance to do harm; in secure custody

Haven as a noun

any place of shelter and safety; refuge; asylum.

–verb (used with object)

to shelter, as in a haven.

Now, if you put all this together, it would tell you that it is a secure place to be.  The Safe Haven in this game is NOT, I repeat NOT a place you send your horse to die.  Please, for the love of Pete, stopping freaking out over Safe Haven.  It tells you right on the page that they are very happy there. Here let me copy and past it for your, JUST in case you were skimming and not paying attention to what is really on the page,"The Haven is a refuge for all the horses you no longer want or can't sell in the auctions or private sales."  It is the equivalent of a no kill shelter for animals in real life.  The only difference is, you can't adopt them.  Someone suggested this, and that would be kind of a cool idea.  It would give us a 3rd place to shop for new horses.  I hope I helped to clear up the whole haven issue.

My Babies






