It seems that every time I try to create a new presentation, it eventually becomes glitched, corrupted, or something else happens with it.  So, this is the only presentation I shall keep for now.

Ultimate goal for right now: immortalize, customize, and blanket all non-copied coats for all breeds.  Want to see my progress so far?  Click "Incredibly Magnificent Picture."  Want to see how much further I have to go?  Click "Needs P. Stone" and "The Other Horses" where the names will either be // Done // or NE PS GA HR HB (or a variation of this).

Note: I am only interested in purchasing or trading for the following BMIs through the exchanges: Philosopher Stones, Helios' Rays, and Hypnos' Blankets.

I am most likely not interested in purchasing your horses as I have a very select list of what I need (Please click "Needs P. Stone" to see the breeds and coats I am currently needing immortalized and customized - these are the only combinations I am interested in purchasing).

I am also not interested in joining any teams at this time.
I accept all friend requests but delete if user is inactive over x amount of time.

"No matter what happens, you be tough."